12 State Parks Every Travel Nurse Should Visit

12 State Parks Every Travel Nurse Should Visit

Picture this: You just left your shift as a travel nurse and have three days off to explore your new area. Colorful mountains, crystal clear lakes, and wildlife like you’ve never experienced before. There are lots of state parks in each state that travel nurses...
Adapting to New Work Environments as a Travel Nurse

Adapting to New Work Environments as a Travel Nurse

The allure of travel nursing is undeniable: adventure, new cities, and the chance to make a difference in diverse healthcare settings. But let’s be honest, constantly adapting to new work environments can be a challenge.  Let’s explore tips for...
PRN Agency Apps Are Helping Fight Nurse Shortages

PRN Agency Apps Are Helping Fight Nurse Shortages

The American Nurses Association reports a projected 194,500 average annual openings for nurses by 2030. Hospitals, rehabilitation, and long-term care facilities have always relied on PRN staffing agencies to come to the rescue to provide additional nurses when they’re...
How Do Benefits Attract And Retain Top Healthcare Talent?

How Do Benefits Attract And Retain Top Healthcare Talent?

Retaining valuable employees amidst a critical staffing shortage can be a daunting task. While competitive salaries are crucial, one often overlooked aspect plays a significant role in keeping your team happy and engaged – benefits. Offering a robust benefits package...